About us





At Servoclima, we have been designing, innovating, manufacturing and distributing Air Handling Units for more than 40 years.

We have a wide range of equipment that allows us to adapt to each situation at any time, according to the needs of each project.

Own calculation and design

Created with our own Software SC/PRO.

Quality stamps

We certify our processes and products to offer the highest quality.

Vocation of service and dedication

We have had the collaboration of the most prestigious installer companies on the market.

Excellent location

In La Llagosta, 15 km from the city of Barcelona with excellent communication.

As a seal of Quality we have the certification JOINS IN ISO 9001: 2008 granted by CSQ.

"Amb el suport d’ACCIÓ"


A SERVICIO DE CLIMATIZACIÓN, SA hem rebut l’ajut concedit per part d’ACCIÓ – Agència per la Competitivitat de l’Empresa per rebre assessorament tècnic en el PROJECTE PER DUR A TERME EL CÀLCUL DE LA PETJADA DE CARBONI D'UN NOU PRODUCTE dins de la línia d’Ajuts dels Cupons GREEN, 2023.