Page 9 - WEB_Servoclima
P. 9
SC ULTRA Description Applications
Recomendada para/Recommended for: Handling units for hygienic requirements. In the specific case of hospitals, clean air is
essential to significan ly reduce the spread
Hospitalario The maximum attention to detail and the of microorganisms. Servoclima’s air handling
Hospitals quality of the construction process have solutions with Hygienic units achieve air
enabled us to obtain approval for imple- quality conditions adjusted to the require-
Salas blancas mentation in facilities with high quality re- ments of use and to this high risk environ-
Clean rooms
quirements. ment.
Laboratories This range of Air Handling Units is often The target groups in this case are patients
required in hospital, pharmaceutical, and and professionals who perform high-
Farmacéuticos food facilities due to the interior design of precision tasks, which require the mainte-
the frame with a bend-free and hardware- nance of suitable environmental conditions.
free finish. Its cover, with mineral wool insu- The objective of air handling and air fi tration
Industria alimentaria
Food industry lation, is particularly suitable for those facili- inside an operating theatre is to reduce the
ties where the acoustic level or the level of possibility of infection from indirect sources.
Industria automoción fi e resistance of the air conditioner are a
Automotive industry priority. Our specialised hospital air conditioning
solution has been created to meet the spe-
Industria textil cific needs of this type of application, taking
Textile industry
into account the wide variety of risks.
The Hygienic Air Handling Units have an
impact on exogenous or indirect contamina-
tion coming from the surrounding environ-
ment, personnel, and their equipment.
They fi ter the air and generate pressure
differentials that eliminate the risk of con-
AQUÍ para características técnicas
HERE for technical features