Page 33 - WEB_Servoclima
P. 33
SC CRH Descriptión Applications
Recomendada para/Recommended for: Heat recovery unit for efficient ventilation The SERVOCLIMA Heat Recovery Unit is
solutions, horizontal configura ion with a a machine that enables part of the energy
Teatros/Auditorios/Museos static counter-flow heat exchanger and a from the air conditioned air inside a room
Theatres/Auditoriums/Museums minimum efficiency of 73%, certified by or premises to be recovered through a
EUROVENT. mechanical ventilation system. An exchanger
Centros comerciales/Deportivos connects the air when it is extracted from the
Shopping/Sports centres
Designed in accordance with the ERP ECO- room with the outside air which is inserted
DESIGN directive 2018, compact and of a into it, without mixing the air from the two
Hotels reduced height with flows that range from circuits.
500 up to 5000m3/h.
Escuelas In winter it works by heating cold air from
They enable huge energy savings by working outside, while in summer it enables the hot
with low consumption EC fans, and taking outside air to be cooled, with fi tering stages
Edificios de oficin
Office building advantage of the heat expelled in winter and which reduce the level of pollutants.
the cold in summer.
Viviendas As required by current regulations, any
Homes home or commercial premises requires
a ventilation system to renew the inside
air by inserting fresh air, enabling the air
quality to be maintained in the rooms. By
incorporating this machine, we considerably
reduce the energy consumption arising from
this requirement.
Forced ventilation with heat recovery is a
highly recommended system in environments
with a high external pollution, noise pollution
AQUÍ para características técnicas and extreme cold and/or hot temperatures.
HERE for technical features
It is also a highly recommended system for
people who suffer from allergies to pollen,
dust or other agents contained in the air. It is
possible to install in both residential blocks
of flats and single family detached homes.
The CRH solution guarantees energy
recovery efficiencies above 73%, complying
with the Ecodesign ErP 2018 directive